Mongolia | Ulaanbaatar | Bogd Khan Winter Palace | Taranantha
Last weekend I wandered out to Erdene Zuu for the Celebration of Zanabazar’s 376 Birthday and to take photos of the First Sixteen Incarnations of Javsandamba . This weekend I wandered over to the Bogd Khan Winter Palace Museum , not far from my hovel in Zaisan Tolgoi , to see the statue of Taranatha , the sixteenth incarnation of Javsandamba. As you know, Taranatha , the founder of Takten Damcho Ling Monastery in Tibet , eventually moved to Mongolia and died here in 1634. What is less known is that at least part of his bodily remains (his head according to some versions of the story) are inside the statue in the Lavrin Temple of the Bogd Khan Palace Complex. T he Lavrin Temple of the Bogd Khan Palace Complex three weeks ago, before the last big snowfall Taranatha (1575–1634) Taranatha Taranatha Taranatha Well-known scholar Nyamochir paying his respects to Taranatha Ruins of Takten Damcho Ling, monastery in Tibet founded by Taran...