World | Lady Gaga and Jihad

A Wall Street Journal Editorial poses an interesting question: “What does more to galvanize radical anti-American sentiment in the Muslim world: (a) Israeli settlements on the West Bank; or (b) a Lady Gaga music video?” Lady Gaga : Can the Mahdi be far behind? Then the folks at weighted in with Blame It On Lady Gaga , managing at the same time to invoke Pat Buchanan and Sayyid Qutb , the “intellectual godfather of al Qaeda,” who said: “The American girl knows seductiveness lies in the round breasts, the full buttocks, and in the shapely thighs and sleek legs, and she shows all this and does not hide it.” Sayyid Qutb went on to denounce “this [American] music the savage bushmen created to satisfy their primitive desires” (He must have had in mind Little Richard ). So now it appears that Lady Gaga is to blame for everything, including the Cult of the Assassins , the Sack of Constantinople in 1204 , and t...